On Friday, February 25, 2022 Governor Jim Justice announced that an additional round of PEBT would be available for eligible students that attend a school that participates in the National School Lunch Program, qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, and have had COVID-19 related absences or school closures caused by the pandemic. Benefits are issued retroactively. Fall 2021 benefits will start to be issued in April 2022. Student families will receive a letter in the mall from DHHR in the coming weeks.

DHHR is maintaining a public information hotline to assist student families. Their hotline will be available mid-March. Also, the PCS's website has a PDF under the Child Nutrition tab that focuses on Quick Answers for Student Families. Again, on the PCS's website under Child Nutrition a Quick Answers Guide to PEBT is provided.

More information can be obtained by visiting www.wvpebt.org or emailing dhhrwvebt@wv.gov or wvpebt@k12.wv.us. The Office of EBT Banking Services can be reached at 304-558-4126.