2023 Homecoming Shirts

Mark your calendars for our 2023 PCMHS Homecoming Week - September 18 - 22, 2023.  This year we would like to offer to the public the opportunity to purchase a Homecoming shirt.  Please use this link - PCMHS Online Ordering Link - to make your purchase with Tweedle Tees Printing.  T-shirt pricing: adult small to XL is $10 and 2XL and above will be $11. The deadline to order will be Friday, September 8th.  

Once the orders have arrived to PCMHS, you will be able to pick up your order in the main school office.  

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Hayley Craig at hayley.craig@k12.wv.us, Mrs. Janice Heavner at janice.heavner@k12.wv.us or Mrs. Allison Vincell at avincell@k12.wv.us. 

Let's Go Wildcats!